"Plan B depicts the future of Los Angeles facing rising sea levels due to climate change in 2050."
#Blender #Unity #Rhino #UE5 #World #LA #2050
The present study, which is being conducted at the IDEAS IDEO Studio, is a collaborative effort between the MSAUD program at UCLA's AUD and the global design company IDEO. In the IDEAS IDEO Research Studio, we apply a build-to-think approach that involves engaging in discourse with various design disciplines at IDEO that are not architecture-based.
We confront design challenges from diverse perspectives, relying on extensive research observations and studies of contemporary living to reimagine future lifestyles. This studio focuses on reconciling the digital with the physical, exploring the relationship between architecture and emerging technologies across various disciplines, scales, and timeframes, and designing toward urban implications rather than scale.
Los Angeles is currently undergoing urban transformation, with Spike Jonze's Her and Denis Villeneuve's Blade Runner 2049 presenting two potential urban futures, each lying on a spectrum between improbable and plausible. Through design fiction, rapid prototyping, and video game technology, the project endeavors to create multiple futures for Los Angeles, focusing on the physical and digital implications of design outcomes at the neighborhood level. As society increasingly immerses itself in virtual and augmented worlds and leaves behind physical spaces, what role does architecture play, and how important is the place that we leave behind?
World Narrative
Government attempts to mitigate the sea level rise have failed to save the coast. So now, the government, to ‘save the city,’ has undertaken a project to build a massive sea wall, the line of which coincidentally/ conveniently protects most of the city's wealthy neighborhoods. The Wall running along Interstate 405 now redefines the coastal boundary of the city of Los Angeles, covering the areas falling inside the wall. In contrast, the areas outside are doomed to submerge.
Inside the wall, the city is regular and industrialized. All the processes are being mechanized and produced efficiently, but with the liberty of choice. The world contains limited resources, which leads to society developing an economical way that provides opportunities for citizens, but they can still choose freely. People order the yellow boxes online and shop by conveyors automatically.

Inside the wall, the city is regular and industrialized. All the processes are being mechanized and produced efficiently, but with the liberty of choice. The world contains limited resources, which leads to society developing an economical way that provides opportunities for citizens, but they can still choose freely. People order the yellow boxes online and shop by conveyors automatically. However, the system does not produce products that don’t fit their economic plan, like customized, handmade products, and vintage items. People go across the wall to get these in exchange for some essential store items. The city outside is developing organically, getting filled with stackable and movable housing units to withstand the constant flooding and insetting coastline. The access from outside to inside the wall is highly controlled leaving people stranded outside. But despite all adversity, Angelenos have the knack to survive and make the most out of their situation as they are often seen chilling at whatever remains of the beach.